About Future Lawyer USA

In a complex business environment, legal departments must ensure they are structured for success to address tech-adoption challenges and influence decision making. This ensures you can leverage technology while safeguarding client data and maintaining compliance.
Future Lawyer USA is a must-attend event designed exclusively for senior leaders to drive thought leadership and stay ahead in this ever-changing landscape. Join 250+ industry leaders for a dynamic networking event that has captivated legal minds across the world.
This highly anticipated summit includes a refreshing format with two days dedicated to exploring the latest developments and advancements, one specific to the challenges faced by law firms and one designed for corporate legal teams. With 45+ speakers on the agenda, you will be immersed in engaging panel discussions, enlightening fireside chats, tech-driven presentations, and collaborative workshops.
Interested in which day is right for you? Whilst both days delve into the cutting-edge tools and strategies reshaping the legal landscape, Day 1 explores law firm challenges and opportunities, and Day 2 discovers themes relevant to corporate counsel teams.
2024’s Distinguished Speakers:

Amy Tenney
Senior Director of Attorney Learning & Development
Morrison Foerster LLP

Bridget Mary McCormack
President and CEO
American Arbitration Association

Vice President, Legal Operations Strategy

Sara Ann Ludwiszewski
Legal Shared Services Director

Joy Heath
Chief Executive Officer
International Legal Technology Association (ILTA)
Why Should You Attend
Future Lawyer USA goes beyond the ordinary to provide a unique platform that transcends traditional boundaries; presenting an exceptional environment to empower yourself with invaluable knowledge, share your legal expertise, and forge meaningful relationships with fellow legal professionals in the East Coast.

Advance your Expertise
In order to cultivate an innovatively progressive ecosystem, we’re bringing together the brightest minds at the forefront of the Litigation sector, to build an exclusive platform to engage and learn from one another. Propel yourself towards unparalleled success!
Curated Networking
With over 450 senior legal leaders, Future Lawyer USA enables collaboration - forging meaningful relationships through engaging panel discussion, interactive workshops and curated networking sessions. The connections you make here will serve you in the years to come!

Be a Catalyst for Change
As change is forever constant, become an integral part of a dynamic community that is driving meaningful change within the field of Litigation. You'll not only advance your own expertise but you’ll walk away, having positioned yourself as a charged up catalyst for positive transformation.

Day 1
Heads of Innovation/Technology
Heads of Digital Transformation
Heads of Knowledge Management
Heads of Discovery
Heads of Tech Implementation
Project Management Directors
CTOs/CIOs/Heads of IT
Partners & Associates
Innovation/Technology Managers
Innovation/Tech Scouting Managers
Day 2
General Counsel/Heads of Legal
Heads of Legal Operations
Heads of Compliance
Heads of Discovery/Investigations
Heads of Dispute Resolution
Heads of Legal Transformation
Directors of Regulatory Affairs
Legal Counsels
Legal Operations Managers
Legal Project Managers
Who Attends?